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孤兒院長大啟發從事社區工作 慈善機構創辦人助深水埗基層脫貧

December 10, 2022


December 24, 2021

scmp cycling.png
Hong Kong’s all-female bicycle repair team ride out unemployment misery through training programme for out-of-work mums

November 3, 2021

《旭茉JESSICA》成功女性 2021- 傅雅妮 Elli Fu

June 17, 2021

How Hong Kong charity J Life Foundation is helping city’s poorest put food on the table

November 10, 2020



7人隊疫下未停工 為近千家庭撲食物:有長者敲門要飯

October 21, 2020

劏房戶憂疫情10日不出門 醫生指屋窄易藏菌 團體上門消毒防疫

August 18, 2020


【同心抗疫】香港人幫香港人 一起打贏這場仗

April 24, 2020


啓愛共融基金創辦人 經歷極度窮困 走上扶貧之路

January 3, 2020


【都市貧窮】貼地CEO落深水埗 只為救助基層脫貧

November 22, 2019

受童年窮困經歷啟發 慈善機構創辦人 貼地助人脫貧

January 16, 2019

迪士尼集剩食 烹成美食捐社區

October 16, 2017

That’s the spirit

September 28, 2017

Congratulations to our founder Elli on winning The 5th Spirit of Hong Kong Awards - Community Contribution by South China Morning Post! Since the founding of J Life in 2013, Elli has been feeding the poor, educating the poor, and walking with the poor everyday. Combined with the aim of reducing food waste in Hong Kong, Elli's work has truly transformed people's lives by building relationships with the poor over the years, leading them to help others. Thank you for all your continuous support with J Life!

Hong Kong foundation owner on a mission to feed city’s poor, and cut down on food wastage

J Life Foundation has been serving the poor in Sham Shui Po since 2013. Elli has been helping by providing food and education support to the community, transforming their lives and values at the mean time. 


January 10, 2017

掏盡積蓄走入陋巷 歷劫天使守護貧童

October 21, 2016

Elli Fu, the founder of J life explained how her childhood influenced her mission to establish J Life in Sham Shui Po in an interview with Hong Kong Economic Journal. Besides, she mentioned some of the work done by J Life in order to help the families in need in Sham Shui Po.


September 24, 2016

「六人二轆同行善」集公眾力量運動行善 每一公里新地額外撥捐50港元 推動為己為人健康生活風氣

September 10, 2016

A fundraising activity co-organized by Sun Hung Kai Development limited and Wattbike was held on 11th September,2016. The amount raised was donated to J Life, one of the beneficiary organizations to help develop different youth and children service.

迪士尼 「童力動與想」助學童展潛能 建自信

The “YOUth-Power” program, which was jointly organized by Hong Kong Disneyland and J Life was launched in 2016. The program aimed at helping students in Sham Shui Po to go for their dreams by providing them opportunities to participate in different sports and creative training.


October 17, 2015

The founder of J Life, Elli Fu, was interviewed by Takungpao in 2015. She mentioned how she overcame her unhappiness in her childhood and was inspired by her experience to establish J life. Besides, she mentioned her obstacles while operating the organization.

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