From a Receiver to a GIVER
J Life empowers an individual by using their inner resources to contribute back to the society. Members are encouraged to help out in distribute food and other operations at J Life, breaking the role from a receiver to a giver.

Counselling &
J Life values life-changing experience as it would help the members in the long term. Apart from physical support, we have regular counseling and support groups for about 20 women and men per week. These support groups could build social supporting network. J Life also provided individual counseling for individuals with emotional needs.

DIALOGUE with the Poor
J Life values each member family and is willing to walk with each of them. Since 2012, J Life has begun to visit our underprivileged families once a month. Volunteers would visit and spend quality time with them, giving social and mental support. The regular visits help us understand the special needs of families, enable us to provide suitable services to improve their quality of life.

At J Life, we celebrate Christmas and birthday parties with our families with the partnership and sponsorship of various donors and companies. We also cooperate with other parties to organize trips and events for our families, creating happy memories together. Through sharing and enjoying these activities together, our staff, volunteers, and members are able to weave our lives together.