在J life時間日長,發現我可以在這裡獲得比其他地方不同的使命感。這裡的同學大多數背後有一段故事,在補習的過程中慢慢明白自己不只在傳授書本上的知識,還要以身作則,成為學生們的榜樣,教曉他們將來立身處世的道理。

好感激有機會帶小朋友去Disneyland。有幸見到小朋友在學業以外的一面,無論是講故事時的創意與天真、遊玩時的活潑可愛,甚至係對公仔貼纸的熱情,都令我不禁會心微笑,重拾回不少失落已久的童真。沉重的學業壓力有時令我忘記了一件事,其實快樂本來就這麼單純,這麼簡單。見到小朋友燦爛的笑容時,心裡忍吾住喊一句: 哥哥真係好羨慕啊!

I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to tutor Tiffany and hopefully make a positive impact on her. Your foundation does such important, charitable work and I wish you continued success in the years to come.

I am very glad I had the opportunity to partake in volunteering with J-Life, as it gave me a unique perspective and a deeper understanding of Hong Kong’s society. Additionally, it was very rewarding knowing that the actions I was taking was helping the impoverished people of Hong Kong. I like how J-Life aims to not only help people living in poverty, but helps to teach them the skills to be independent.